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Image de façade de la pharmacie PHARMACIE FAUVIOT sur Ouipharma.fr

Pharmacie FAUVIOT à La Tranche-sur-Mer

  • Fermé


Horaire d'ouverture et contacts

Horaires d'ouvertures


Plan d'accès

Pharmacie Fauviot
2 Rue DE L HOTEL DE VILLE, 85360, La Tranche-sur-Mer

Présentation de l'officine

Located in the heart of the bustling city, Pharmacie Fauviot is a beacon of health and wellness. With a wide selection of medications, vitamins, and supplements, customers can trust in the expertise of our knowledgeable pharmacists. Our state-of-the-art facilities ensure quick and efficient service, while our commitment to customer satisfaction sets us apart from the rest. Visit us today for all your healthcare needs!

Services proposés

Conseil Medicament


  • MA

    Magali L

  • VI

    Victorien F